Φοίβη Λαδά  | PHOEBE (FIVI) LADA


Owner and Director of Fivi Pilates Yoga Studio





In 2006 Fivi gets acquainted to the Pilates method as she is trying to find ways to ease her pain on her spine due to injuries she suffered as an athlete. For two years she studies Pilates through books and various classes and in 2008 she decides to go deeper into the Method and enrolls at a Pilates Teacher Training program. The idea was to deal with her pain and to be able to do the same for other people suffering from similar symptoms.





  • Certified BASI Pilates Teacher and BASI Pilates Faculty trainee
  • Certified Kinesiotherapy Specialist – ass. Physiotherapist (I.E.K AKMI)
  • Certified teacher in Hatha Yoga (ERYT 500) by Michael Filinis
  • Certified Trainer from various fitness schools (Douglas Brooks USA, Power Plate Academy etc)
  • Certified Surf Instructor (ISA)
  • Certified Pilates Teacher from Studioone Fitness School





  • BA in Business Administration-HR with Honors from the DEREE College and a postgraduate Diploma in Shipping Operations
  • Graduate from Athletic High School in 1999
  • Studied Pilates with world renowned teachers from various schools (Alan Herdman, Rael Isacowic, Lolita San Miguel, Elisabeth Larcam, Dr. Suzanne Martin, Caron Bosler, Tracey Mallet, Lynne Robinson, Nathan Gardner, Ed Botha, Samantha Wood and more) both in Greece and abroad.
  • Becomes Assistant Faculty for two years in Studioone Fitness School (2010) next to Christina Pantazopoulou and is honoured to have Mr Alan Herdman as her Mentor.
  • In 2019 decides to be a student once more in the Basi TT program having Maro Stogiannidou as her teacher and Mentor up to now. Since then, she completed the Basi Mentor program in Italy with Maria Sylla and Ilaria Pullidori, has attended Basi’s latest programs and seminars (Pre-Post-natal with Ashley Ritchie, Pilates and Osteoporosis with Ashley Ritchie, Pilates and Breast Cancer with Alexandra Rossopoulou, Pilates for the Thorasic Spine with Eduard Botha and more)
  • In 2021 she is honoured to be accepted as a Basi Faculty Trainee for Basi Greece.





  • Track and Field athlete in 400m hurdles (Panellinios GC) with three participations in the European Cup (2002-2005) and a Panhellenic record in 4x400m.





  • “Be humble, be free and move as you wish” is her core belief and the powerhouse of each and every class she teaches.
Βασιλική Μαυρίκη | Vasiliki Mavriki


– Pilates Mat & Equipment certified (450hrs) at the largest Greek Fitness Institute in Greece (Studio “One” of Fitness & Aerobic), has attended over 160 hours of Pilates seminars for pregnancy, Osteoporosis, Scoliosis, Hip Replacement, Shoulder Restoration , Pilates for the Elderly, Pilates for Men, post-pregnancy Pilates, Athletic Pilates, Therapeutic Extensions in the Pilates Method.

– She was an assistant professor in the Pilates Diploma (“Studio One” of Fitness & Aerobic) in the academic year 2010-2011.

– Trained by world-renowned instructors, including:

Alan Herdman – Alan Herdman Pilates UK

Caron Bosler – PMA UK (taught by Romana Kryanowska)

Lolita San Miguel – Lolita Pilates USA – Master Teacher (taught by Joseph Pilates)

Lynne Robinson – Body Control Pilates UK

Dr. Suzanne Martin – Pilates Therapeutics USA – Master Trainer

John Garey – John Garey Pilates USA – Stott Pilates

Eduard Botha – BASI Pilates (South Africa)

Anthony Lett – Therapeutic Muscle Stretching “Innovations in Pilates” (AU)

Samantha Wood – BASI Pilates (USA)

– “Innovations in Pilates” (Mat Level I, Reformer Level I) certified by Anthony Lett (Australia) (http://www.innovationsinpilates.com.au/)

– Certified Hatha Yoga Trainer (500 RYT) from Michalis Filinis’ GHYTA Yoga School, and an active member of the Yoga Alliance. She has attended seminars on Yoga for Pregnancy, Yoga for Children, Yoga & Nutrition. She has attended seminars of different yoga schools (Asthanga, Iyengar, Anusara, Kundalini, Jivamukti, etc.) with outstanding teachers and continues to enrich her knowledge. He has attended Anusara Yoga’s Immersion I with Ross Rayburn (USA), and has also trained with Todd Tesen (USA) and Stephanie Sayegh (TR).

Her teaching emphasizes breathing, proper positioning & alignment of the body, strengthening the muscular system, increasing flexibility, and relaxing the mind and body.

– Certified coach KETTLEBELL “FITNESS TRAINER A” “by Pantelis Filikidis (Girevoy Sport Federation I.G.S.F.) and Nektarios Lykiardopoulos (www.CrossGym.gr)

– She is a certified BOSU Balance Trainer coach from Douglas Brooks USA

– She is a certified Aqua Aerobic coach (“Studio One” Fitness School, from Europi Kakogiannaki)

– Certified in the SPINEWORKS method by PH / Ioannis Kazazakis at Flow of Freedom of Mantor (http://jointheflow.weebly.com/).

– Massage Seminars at Natural Health Science School (www.NHS.gr) with Dimitris Karamanis:

Sports Massage

TriggerTenderPoints Massage

DeepTissue Massage

– Massage Seminars at FLOW School with Eleftheria Mantzorou:

Lymph Drainage

Anti-cellulite massage & wrapping

– Thai Teaching Seminars at GHYTA Yoga School by Michalis Filinis.

– DEREE College graduate from Business Administration with Bachelor’s Degree in Finance & Accounting.

– Champion of “KETTLEBELL FITNESS CHALLENGE II” by Pantelis Filikidis in November 2014, “Triathlon” (a total of 355 repetitions at 15 ‘at Arraché, Jeté, a long circle) and’ SWEET SOULS ‘(27 reps in 5’) (See YouTube on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn51pNFPjJU)

– Champion in Static Apnea (2’35 “). 3rd place Dynamic apnea without fins. Pool Championship 2013, AIDA HELLAS. Coach Michalis Filinis.

– 2nd place Dynamic apnea with fins ATHENS APNEA GAMES 2014.

– 3rd place Dynamic apnea with fins ATHENS APNEA 2 2014. 3rd place Walking apnea ATHENS APNEA 2 2014.

– Yellow Belt  at KickBoxing.

– AIDA2 Free Diving Owner.

– International Kiteboarding Association (IKO) from 2012, Level 3.

Δήμητρα Λαδά | Dimitra Lada


– Certified (at Studio “One” Institute of Fitness) Pilates mat & props (200hrs) and Pilates Equipment (Reformer, Trapeze Table, Wunda Chair, Ladder Barrel) (200hrs) trainer

– Studied next to Pilates Alan Herdman (Alan Herdman Pilates Continuing Education mat work, Reformer, Trapeze Table)

– Kick-boxing athlete (1998-2000, second green belt).

– Supermotard Champion (Pan-Hellenic Championship 2006). Professional motorcycle racing rider (Track racing ​​& Supermoto Championships) from 2001 to 2007.

– Sailing Champion (Pan-Hellenic Championship 2016, Platu 25).

– Sailing athlete of the Yacht Club of Greece in the 420 and the Lightning categories.

– Editor in the motorcycle magazine “2 Wheels” and presenter on the “Traction” (MEGA Channel) car & motorcycle TV show.

-Editor in the motorcycle e-magazine “BikeIt.gr”

– She has graduated from VAKALO Art School with BA in Interior Design and from AKTO Art&Design,  Diploma of Higher Education in Industrial Design,

– She worked in an architectural firm and as a freelance interior designer.

– She is the administrator of the studio.

Φώτης Μιχαηλίδης | Fotis Michailidis


– Graduate of Pilates Training by Alan Herdman at the largest Greek Fitness Institute in Greece (Studio “One” of Fitness & Aerobic) and Pilates Equipment, expanding Pilates knowledge with seminars and training.

– Certified in yoga for kids, by Flower Yoga Kids in March 2014.

– Certified Vinyasa Yoga & Hot Yoga instructor (140 hours) from Athens Hot Yoga since June 2013, while attending Aerial Yoga & Yin Yoga Seminars.

-Graduated from the University of Athens in the Department of Philosophy of Pedagogy and Psychology.
